What is Algae?

Typical Problem

Typical Problem

Algae are primitive, primarily aquatic, one-celled or multicellular plant-like organisms that lack true stems, roots, and leaves but usually contain chlorophyll. There are both marine and freshwater algae, and algae are found almost everywhere on earth. The Washington Department of Ecology’s algae program focuses on algae problems in freshwater. Pond scum is algae (mostly), the green slime on rocks in a stream is also algae, as is the pea soup green seen in some nutrient-enriched lakes.

Why do algae grow in my lake?

Algae grow when they have the right conditions such as adequate nutrients (mostly phosphorus but nitrogen is important too), light levels, pH, temperature, etc. Generally the amount of phosphorus controls the amount of algae found in a freshwater lake or water body. The more nutrient-enriched a lake, typically the more algae in the lake.

How do you get rid Algae?

Algae is a plant and like other plants it needs three elements to survive: light, nutrients and water. Take any one away and the plant is deemed controllable. Well as you are dealing with a pond or lake, you cannot get rid of the water However the light and nutrients that the algae thrives on are entirely different matters.

If algae exists it means there is a lager problem with the pond or lake. This usually manifests itself in too much nutrients such as fish waste, fish food, dead organic matter (leaves ) run offs from other areas or even sewage. These nutrients cause the algae to thrive and take over the pond.

The majority of people will first think of using an algaecide. However although these will attack and kill the algae, they may not be safe for the fish and other plants in the water. Additionally if the algaecide works too fast and increase the oxygen level too quickly it could just feed a whole new crop of algae.

At Organic Earth Solutions we prefer to use beneficial bacteria for  pond/lakes, as this is the safest way to clean up the pond. Our bacteria naturally reduce phosphate and nitrites; algae’s food, therefore algae will starve and not grow, this will restore the natural balance to the water, fish and plant life. We have had amazing success in treating a variety of case using our  LLMO GC product. Go to our site and visit our lake project page, you will be amazed at what you see.