Dear Customer,
Minimum Dosage’s for ponds and Lakes is a 6 weeks program. Full season typically from April through October. Adjust these dates for geographic region. In order to keep algae under control, you need to use the entire season.
Expected Results – Timetable
LLMO GC is a natural, biological means of algae control that out-competes algae for nutrients. LLMO GC does not poison algae like chemicals do. Therefore, do NOT expect the rapid results that you may get with harsh chemicals. It will always take LLMO GC 2 to 4 weeks to work. While LLMO GC effectiveness is more gradual than typical chemical treatments, LLMO GC is actually beneficial for water quality, fish, wildlife, and your turf. LLMO GC will not harm any desirable plants, and LLMO GC is completely non-toxic. Here is the general timetable for expected results:
Odor Control is the Quickest Result.
Any odor problems will dissipate within one or two weeks of the first application. Sulfide or septic odors will be eliminated, and only a natural, earthy smell will be present. Your course patrons will certainly appreciate this benefit!
Zones of water clearing should be evident in the vicinity where you apply LLMO GC within the first week or two. Within 2 or 3 applications, algae around the edges of the pond will begin to darken or turn brown. That shows that the algae is dying, and is a sure sign of progress. Dead algae will eventually drop to the bottom of the pond. By the fourth week of treatment, it should be obvious that the algae bloom is being reduced and that the pond water is clearing. At this critical point, if progress is not yet satisfactory, switch to an elevated dose for a couple more weeks. By week 6, the pond should certainly be clear unless there is an unusual or unexpected aquatic condition.
Sludge Reduction.
Sludge build-up comes from dead leaves, clippings, wildlife droppings, and the remains of past algae blooms. Sludge build-up is the main cause of bad odors, and creates the potential for fish disease. LLMO GC use will decrease the sludge build-up in any golf pond by 25% or more in any season. This side-benefit of LLMO GC use has actually saved many pond owners thousands of dollars in dredging expenses. Please take note of the sludge levels in any pond receiving LLMO GC treatment, as this benefit alone will be well worth the cost of treatment.
Milfoil and other aquatic plants need a full season to see results.