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How long do I treat for pond Algae? Bio Lake Clear

How long do I treat for pond Algae?                   Dear Customer,            Minimum Dosage’s for ponds and Lakes is a 6 weeks program. Full season typically from April through October. Adjust these dates for geographic region. With over 30,000 different verities...

Dangers of handling copper sulfate. We have safer alternatives at OES.

Dangers of handling copper sulfate, Would you swim in it? Safer alternatives with OES. Don't Use Copper Sulfate!! When organisms such as algae become a problem in private or commercia ponds, copper sulfate treatment provides an inexpensive solution. However, improper...

How phosphorous affects aquatic life, lakes and ponds.

Organic Pond Care program How phosphorous affects aquatic life: If too much phosphate is present in the water the algae and weeds will grow rapidly, may choke the waterway, and use up large amounts of precious oxygen (in the absence of photosynthesis and as the algae...

Septic Tank System

  Basically the septic system consists of three major components; the septic tank, the leach field and the soil beneath the drain field. The septic tank is a water tight box that is buried in the ground just outside the premises. The septic tank, in turn, is...

What is algae? How to Treat Algae.

What is Algae? Algae are primitive, primarily aquatic, one-celled or multicellular plant-like organisms that lack true stems, roots, and leaves but usually contain chlorophyll. There are both marine and freshwater algae, and algae are found almost everywhere on earth....

Satisfied Lake Customer, Algae Problem

I’m a home owner who lives directly on Glen Lake. I complained about the quality of the lake to the mayor, H W. Elton, and the lake association. Living on the lake and not being able to fish or canoe makes for a not so much fun summer.  I have young kids and we all...